Why choose us

Unique packing provide the products and solutions including color boxes, gift boxes, manuals, paper trays, blister and environmentally friendly packaging, functional packaging, etc. At the same time, we provide professional service like :  creative design, innovative research & development, integrated manufacturing, multi-regional operations and fast delivery nearby,etc .
  • 600+
    More than 600 global brand customers
  • 300+
    Nearly 300 professional printing employees
  • 100+
    More than 100 design and development team
  • 20+
    More than 20 professional printing equipment
Extraordinary Paper was established
Unique packing is a domestic high-end brand packaging solution provider. It provides professional and competitive packaging products, solutions and services for customers in cosmetics, consumer electronics, tobacco and alcohol, and health and other industries, and is committed to continuing to provide customers enhance brand value.

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Customized solutions

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